Sep 24, 2007

Everything Has a Name

And Everything that has a Name must Bow to the Name Of Jesus!

In my previous post I listed some FAQ's on Crack Cocaine that were found on the Web. I can personally attest that most of these facts are true. Crack is a killer, there is no doubt.

But what I also know is that there is

Everything on this earth must bow to that name. That means crack is not above Jesus! If you are currently addicted to crack, or know someone who is, I am here today to tell you that Jesus IS the answer. I have known people who have spent countless thousands of dollars on secular programs to become free from this addiction, to no avail. But one Word from Jesus spoken straight to your heart WILL SET YOU FREE.

You see, crack is not merely just physical. There is a very strong demonic force behind it. It's one of satan's ploys to drive you into the dirt. He wants you to feel like the scum of the earth. He wants you to think that there is no hope for you. But I have some very serious news for you my friend. Even satan himself cannot stand against the name of Jesus!

Are you truly ready to break free? Have you had enough of selling everything you have to get more crack. Have you had enough of hiding from your family? Have you had enough of lying about everything? Have you had enough of being treated like a slave?

I know the answer. I have been there. The answer is Jesus. I promise you that. If you do not know Jesus, and have not accepted him as your personal Savoir, then I beseech you to make that your very first step. I would be more than glad to pray with you and for you. If not me, then I can certainly lead you someone who will gladly talk to you. I have several Christian friends online who would also like to reach out to you.

Once you have taken that step, then you need to learn what authority you have over the enemy. You have to learn who you are in Christ and you have to learn what the Word says about you. There is a multitude of help available for you my friend. Do not hesitate to leave me a comment including how I can get in touch with you.

You are not alone!


Shalene said...

Thank you Michael for being so authentic in your faith walk, that you would share something so personal. I too was addicted to a demon. Mine was meth or "crank" as some people call it. I am so thankful to my Lord that now that He is in my life I can say for certain that that demon has no hold over me. I did quit before coming to the Lord, but would not say that I would never go back to it, until after He was in my life.

Michael said...

Thanks for sharing that Shalene! I am so glad to hear of your victory!

He will keep in perfect peace all whose are eyes are stayed on him!

Praise God!

BroTee said...

Thanks for sharing. There is no name like the name of Jesus. At the mention of His name, every knee must bow or they will be broken.

He alone has the answer to all life's complex problems. Addictions and oppressions are part of His area of speciality. Testimonies abound of His wonderous works in the life of ex-sinners like me.

I am glad to identify and bear witness that this post is TRUE.